How To Feel Confident in Any Meeting at Work: 5 Tips For Success
It happens to the best of us - an important meeting is coming up where you are either presenting and/or are actively participating and we feel, well, terrified. But you matter, your work matters, and your contribution matters, so we wanted to share some easy tips that will help you feel confident in any meeting at work.
Follow these 5 easy steps to make the impact you need to from the outset, and clearly articulate your point so that you get what you want out of the conversation.
1. Remember who you are
Whatever your story, wherever you began, you brought yourself here. It’s the combination of your dreams, planning, tenacity and the skills you have developed that got you into the room. We are firm believers in creating our own seat at the table, and the fact that you are asked to participate at a meeting shows you clearly have succeeded in creating your own seat at the table …. congratulate yourself. Not everyone can manage to do this.
Keep in mind that while the obstacles we have faced can make us wonder “Who am I to be here?” Many people who have achieved what they set out to do had to overcome significant challenges; resilience and perseverance takes us a long way!

2. Remember what you have accomplished
This might sound too easy to be effective, but stay with us … before the meeting, make a list of the good things you have accomplished so far at your current job. Appreciate the “you” who put in the work, and also celebrate the wins you have had, no matter how tiny they might seem to you.
The reason that it is useful to write even the smallest win down on the list is because that will spark inspiration to remember the next thing you have accomplished, and the next. The list only needs to be for you, so there is no need to feel silly about what you write down.
Every thought you think that is in the right direction, and that helps you feel even a little better, will build more confidence for when you step into the meeting room.

3. Speak your truth
This one’s a double hit:
Speak your truth to yourself.
Our subconscious minds create what we tell them to create. So, if you speak the truth you want to create, your subconscious mind isn’t going to argue. It’s easy to keep this simple: instead of “ooh, I hope I can hold it together in front of everyone on Thursday”, say “I’m looking forward to making my case and getting approval for the new project on Thursday. I’m so glad I get the opportunity to do this!”
Speak your truth to your audience
When it’s “showtime” and you have the floor, be professional, and also be unapologetically yourself.
BTW there is absolutely nothing wrong with practicing in front of a mirror. Why not act out your entire presentation and even video or record audio? You will be surprised by little nounces you pick up which can easily be addressed once you become aware of them.
Most importantly, remember that many other people in the room may feel less-than-confident themselves, and will appreciate having someone to take the lead, to deliver information in a way that is clear and simple to absorb, and who gives them a simple “next step”.

4. Body Language … it can say more than you think.
No, this is not your grandma speaking. But even if deportment isn’t your thing, the benefits of standing up straight make breathing easier. That counts for something when you want to speak and think clearly!
Also, speak slowly, don’t rush through your words (this is where audio recording can come in handy). When we speak fast, it makes taking a breath more difficult and when we are not breathing properly we start to sweat and mentally our focus shifts … thus your presentation suffers.
So, stand up straight, literally keep your chin up, speak slowly and breathe. Oh, don’t forget to smile here and there. You smiling or sharing a quick joke (an appropriate one of course) can exude uber confidence.
Go for it, you’ve got this.

5. Find a power outfit
Sure, it’s nice to be seen and valued for your strengths. But nothing can negate the fact that first impressions still count. And that impact you make when you walk into a room, before you even say a word? It sets the tone for everything that follows.
Dressing America’s current and future leaders is what drives the team at AYSHA NY … and that means that our sole focus is helping women understand how to choose clothes that fit well (because nobody needs to be worrying about how that shirt is sitting while they’re presenting) and also how to use fashion as part of their personal “marketing arsenal”.
To illustrate, take a look at two collections: Dressing for the Now and our new release, ON MY TERMS (which kind of says it all when it comes to the changed world we live in).

If you want help with styling tips to dress for maximum impact, we’ve got you.
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