AYSHA NY MEmbership

an xperience for xceptional women.

How you are perceived by others is as important as how you dress and feel inside. 

AYSHA NY takes care of a professional and social wardrobe to make you stand out, help you close that deal while looking feminine with an edge. Simply choose either the Catalyst, Regent, or Sovereign membership and you will get your own StyleMe Team consisting of a designated personal designer and a stylist. The onboarding process allows our members to understand what each woman needs based on what she desires to communicate.

The StyleMe Team will also recommend styles according to your desire, body type, industry you work in, and your personality. Use your membership service like high-fashion design houses do for celebrities.

When the year is filling you up with important work or social events, select a membership tier to ensure the eyes you want to have will be on you when stepping on-stage or entering a room.

$1,500 | 4 Styles

The Catalyst tier is for candidates wanting to emit confidence and an elegant air for important moments.

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    $3,500 | 10 Styles

    The Regent tier is for women who are catalysts in their industry who seek a curated and powerful wardrobe.

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      Sovereign MEMBERSHIP
      $30,000 | 2 unique looks

      The Sovereign tier is for clients who want the cou•ture treatment to add to their wardrobe. requiring travel for our design team to meet them in homes and workplace in their city, state or country. Cou•ture outfitting generally starts from scratch; selecting fabrics, specific cuts, and custom design for a fraction of the cost you would normally spend in Europe.

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