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Tell-Tale Signs Your ‘Fit Doesn’t Fit Right

Just because your blouse buttons, your dress zips, and your pants clasp doesn’t necessarily mean your clothes are fitting your body right. What you see in the mirror’s reflection is just one angle compared to how the rest of the world sees you.
To avoid some of the following fashion faux pas - seek out a professional stylist! Professionals know what to look for and can guide you in putting together the best outfits for your unique style and body type. After carrying out styling consultations via zoom during shutdowns, AYSHA NY is over the moon to announce they have reopened their studio for in-person StyleMe sessions with CEO and founder, Aysha Saeed.
If you're styling a last-minute outfit and don’t have time to get some professional direction or a second opinion, here are some red flag, tell-tale signs Aysha says to look out for:
Sign #1 - The "Smiley Face"
Keep your eyes out when walking in a skirt, you might see a "smiley face". The smiley face effect happens when a skirt is too tight and lines form across the front in the thigh and hip area. When skirt shopping, don't just assess what the skirt looks like standing still, move in it! Ask a friend or salesperson if they see a "smiley face" as you walk by
Sign #2 - The "Peek-a-Boo"
Women with a larger bust size will often find themselves dealing with this issue. The "peek-a-boo" is when a button-down blouse is too tight that it creates a gap between each button. The gap can be so big that others can peek into your blouse and see the color of your bra! Often, women won't notice that it is happening because you can’t see it by looking down at your blouse -- so test it out by looking at yourself in the mirror sideways and check for gaps around the bust area.
Sign #3 - Awkward or Droopy Waist Seams
Knowing your body measurements is the best way to ensure you choose a well-fitting garment. Not simply just your size, but think: do you have a short waist or a long waist? Pay close attention to where the waistline of the garment is hitting you when trying on a dress with a waist seam. Sometimes, on long-waisted women, the seam may come too high -- which could make your body look awkward. If you are short-waisted, the waistline will likely hit you lower -- making you look droopy.
Sign #4 - Shoulders
For those with narrow shoulders or more broad shoulders, instead of buying structured fabrics and shapes, opt for styles made in softer fabrics -- like chiffons or anything that has a flowy silhouette. Softer fabrics offer more of a relaxed fit with less emphasis on shoulder lines, letting you get away with more. If you fall into either of these categories and are in need of a structured style like a blazer, it is best to get it fitted to your unique shape.